Thursday 5 January 2012

Title Sequence Analysis - "Mezrine"

In the title sequence of the film "Mezrine", just by analysing its contents a sense of the rest of the film is given. Starting off with;

The production & distribution company: "La Petite Reine" is the name of the french comapny that produced this movie. It enters whilst a girl is skipping along the screen; the name is held by what seems to be ropes as it glides along with the girl before standing along on a black background. It has specifically been placed at the beginning in order to promote & advertise the company name.

Production & Distribution Company

The film title has been adjusted slightly so that it can be easily translated into English as it is originally a French film. "L'instinct De Mort" (meaning the death instinct) has been inputted 1 minute and 56 seconds into the clip, whihc can somewhat be considered as halfway. This is because it comes after all the credits and just before the main action of the movie begins.


A militant style of font has been used throughout the clip to match the seriousness of the film. To give off a stern and serious vibe also because its simple and easy to read by anyone at any distance.

The clip is of a slow pace because it helps to built up tension as the clip goes on. It builds up to the climax of the actual movie and gives an eery feel so already the audience get the jist that something big is about to happen.

Title Sequence Timeline:
00:00 - the clip begins
00:08 seconds - the production & distribution company name is shown
00:13 seconds - A little background information regards to the film is given
00:22 seconds to 00:36 seconds - A few credits are given
00:40 seconds to 01:50 - The names of the actors are given whilst the action is being introduced
01:53 - The title of the movie is given
02:04 - A single credit is given
02:05 - Drama is shown (two shot, medium close up & close up are all shown as the screens divided into three sections)
02:25 to 04:32- A few more credits are given whilst some drama is being shown
04:33 - the rest of the drama is shown as the width that the drama is being shown at expands
04:50 - the clip ends

After watching a few other title sequence's, I have noticed that:
- The film title mainly tends to appear roughly around the middle (for example it appears in the "Taking of Pelham 123" at 01:17 out of  04:21). Around the beginning/middle
- The type of fonts that tend to be used depends on the genre of the clip. If it a comedy for example the font will tend to be playful; whereas if its a reconstruction the font will be plain and simple (serious)
- The timeline that I did based on "Mezrine" is conventional as it is very much similar to the timeline of  "Taking of Pelham 123"

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