Friday 13 January 2012

Film audience

different films appeal to different people that is why they have created different type of audiences such as sci-fi films will have a large audience and so will action/adventure films. the way they try to appeal to audiences is through advertisements and other media such as poster, examples would be.

this image tries to show the film as a supernatural thriller, they do this in the reflection in the door knob and the picture of the two young girls and finally the image of the door looks decade and old. The font also helps and makes it look ghostly.

this film is a comedy thriller it can be seen in the way the building is slanted it shows a comedic affect. also the fact they are standing on a skyscraper and the background of the city shows that this is a thriller. this film may appeal to fans of comedy because of the actors also, lastly the font does not look serious but more fun and comedic which is also another factor that helps.

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