Wednesday 11 January 2012

Genre & SubGenre

Genre is the category that the piece of media falls into. In terms of film there are: Action, Romance, Thriller, Horror, Science-Fiction and many more. However the genre that we will be focusing on and basing our opening on is 'Thriller'.
SubGenre is the sub topic that is based within a specific genre. For example the subgenre's of thriller are: Sci-Fi Thriller, Action Thriller, Psychological Thriller, Political Thriller, Romantic Thriller and a few more.
The thriller sub-genre that inspires me the most is a 'Psychological Thriller' and somewhat a 'Supernatural Thriller' as the two are slightly similar.
A 'Horror Thriller' that inspires me quite alot is the film 'Jeepers Creepers 2'. The way in which the potentially influences me with my own film opening is the way that midway though this specific clip, whispered voices are sped up. This creates an eery vibe as it emphasises the voice to make it seemed that (9:37 onwards) there are lots of voices that help to build up tension and indicate that something bad/strange is happening/about to happen. Also the way that when the girl turns around to look at the scarecrow, when she turns back around the boys eyes are missing literally (10:03 onwards). This intrigued be as Im obsessed with the potential idea of using an eye someway somehow as it makes the movie and will hopefully make my opening that bit better as the tension will be built up to the max.

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