Friday 20 January 2012

different film openings

the three main film openings used are 'discrete opening', 'narrative opening' and 'credits over a black screen' opening the last one not mentioned which is said to be more sophisticated is a 'stylised editing' opening.

an example of a discrete film opening would be the film seven, discrete openings of film consist of the title credits of the film being shown separately from the film, it is shown in a way that is totally unrelated to the film. the font is also stylised and made to look very dramatic.

narrative openings is the second type which is also commonly used in films this type of opening consists of the title being shown while the action carries on within the film a example if this would be the shinning.  

the third type of film opening is credits over a black screen the explanation is in the title itself and i think the best example would be donnie darko.

and lastly the sophisticated 'stylised opening' is a opening that is made to look as eccentric and stylised as possible to impress the audience and to engage them early on in the film, an example would be 'mezrine'.

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