Monday 19 December 2011

Health & Safety Tutorial

On Friday 9th December, we had a tutorial teaching us the health and safety tips/rules to abide by when using the cameras & filming. These where:

JVC Camcorder

  • Do NOT change the camera settings at all otherwise when it comes to editing,  difficulties will arise          
  • Ensure the persons head is at the top of the screen, blank spaces are unprofessional           
  • Move with camera rather than zoom in for a neater cut
  • Use a tripod to level the screen when filming
  • Be VERY carful when handling the equiptment as they are very expensive
  • Its the groups responsibilty to ensure that any equiptment loaned out is returned on time and in working condition
  • Wait 5 seconds before and after filming, to leave space for editing
  • Ensure that the person being filmed is in the middle of the screen
  • Do not shoot in sunny areas as it affects the lights shown in the camera
  • Be prepared, if shooting in the rain a big umbrella must be borrowed to protect the equiptment 

By abiding by these tips, filming the opening of a thriller for our coursework should run smoother than the River Nile, resulting in us getting the best grade possible :) 

By Bria Marie xoxo

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