Thursday 12 January 2012

Film Audiences

Different fims have different audiences. The films contain specific elemts that make it obvious as to who its target audience is aimed at. For example:

The movie 'In Time' has a specific audience. Just by looking at the poster I would say that the target audience is of those whom are 18 or over; as well as perhaps couples. The reason as to why i say this is because this movie seems to be a romantic thriller in which will be perfect for couples. Romance to woo the couples as well as the essence of thriller to make the girl snuggle up close with their boyfriend for protection. Theres a gun which will draw the attention of the males; also the two characters are both together signifying romance. There's a hot girl and a hot guy which will intrigue the males as well as the females.

Judging by the 'Tower Heist' movie cover I predict that the target audience is to those who are teenagers. This is because the genre of this film is a comedy which attract the most attention by teenagers. Also the actors used are easily recognised by teenagers for their amazing acting in which will make them more eager to watch it (for eg Eddie Murphy). Also the fact that the characters are on a slant and there's a little dog at the bottom emphasise the fact that its a comedy and will most likely contain jokes that will most likely understood by teenagers the most.

 The poster for this movie 'Fair Game' has a target audience of the middle aged (35 and over perhaps). I conclude this because the clothing of the actors seem to be very much sophisticated and the colours of the poster is mainly black and white. All of these which will most likely appeal to those of the middle aged. Also the genre of this movie is a 'Political Thriller' in which to many of those younger than 35 will least likely be interested in watching. Also in the background of the poster there is a tank with a soldier in it; this more than likely to attract those of the middle aged as they seem to be more interested in those kind of army subjects.

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