Tuesday 10 January 2012

Se7en Title Sequence/Convention of Film Analysis


As soon as the clip begins to play, the first convention of a film opening that is prevailed is the 'Name of the Production Company'. In this case this is 'New Line Cinema' and has been specifically placed at the beginning in order to boost the company's recognition within the audience so that if they liked this movie; they will go out to see more movies by the same company. The next convention that is shown is the 'Name of the Director' whom in this case is 'David Fincher'. This has been put straight after the name of the company to also help boost the directors recognition. Further on, we are shown the convention which is 'Introduction to the Main Character'. This has been used in order to grip the audience's attention as the main character is shown to be somewhat using a razorblade with his hands. As the audience does not know what for yet, it grips their attention making them wanting to know more. After, the next convention is the 'Name of the Film'; this has been used in order to make the audience aware of the film that they are watching. Also to promote it because if the viewers like it they will go and tell others which will boost the income and create a buzz around the movie. In addition the name of the cast is shown to make the audience aware of who is starrring in the film and also to boost the actors recognition; also in some cases to draw the attention of a specific audience. Lastly the main piece of drama is shown in which is positioned at the end so that by the time it is shown the audience will be more than eager to watch the movie after knowing who stars in it etc.

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